Special, windproof matches. They cannot be blown out during combustion due to a much lar ger area covered with flammable material. Thanks to this property, the matches ignite much better and withstand even strong winds.
- not much in the box - perhaps the box would like to be improved
Review from customer from Czech republic
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- doporučuji
- to na co jsou : větruvzdorné
- málo v krabičce
- třeba by to chtělo ještě tu krabičku vylepšit
Adam M.
They work, are durable, combined with a waterproof case good for emergencies.
They work as they should.
Review from customer from Czech republic
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Fungují, jsou odolné, v kombinaci s vodotěsným pouzdrem dobré pro případ nouze.
Fungují jak mají.
Matches can't be lit. I don't know if I just got some bad packaging, but we didn't manage to light a single match out of 4 tried (then the cut was too cut). It always flashed, stinked and nothing. Then I just tried it with a lighter test and they already caught on. But what good are matches that can't be lit?
They really can't be blown away for a very short time
It's not about lighting the included cut-out Only one cut-out on the box (so it will be crossed off during the first two matches, and you won't light the matches anyway)
Review from customer from Czech republic
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Sirky nejdou zapálit. Nevím jestli jsem dostal jen nějaké špatné balení, ale nepodařilo se nám zapálit ani jednu sirku ze 4 vyzkoušených (pak už bylo škrtátko moc oškrtané). Vždycky to zablesko, zasmrdělo a nic. Potom jsem to zkusil jen na zkoušku zapalovačem a to už se chytly. Ale k čemu jsou sirky, které nejdou zapálit?
Velmi krátkou chvíli opravdu nejdou sfouknout
Nejdou o přiložené škrtátko zapálit
Na krabičce jenom jedno škrtátko (takže se při prvních dvou sirkách oškrtá, a sirky stejně nezapálíte)
Jiří L.
Review from customer from Czech republic
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Kamil Vokurek
Review from customer from Czech republic
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