It works, but you probably won't put it on most watches.
It is small and points north.
1. The product photo does not correspond to reality, the partially angular one is not the one I got here. 2. I don't really put this on my watch, I have a Casio G-SHOCK.
Review from customer from Czech republic
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Jako funguje, ale na většinu hodinek to asi nenasadíte.
Je malý a ukazuje sever.
1. Produktová fotka neodpovídá realitě , ten částečně hranatý není ten, co sem dostal.
2. Tohle na hodinky opravdu nenasadím, mám Casio G-SHOCK.
Michal K.
I recommend a better description of the product
Narrow strap, compass cannot be transferred to the watch
Review from customer from Czech republic
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Doporučuji lepší popis produktu
Úzký řemínek, kompas nejde přendat na hodinky
Reakce obchodu - Michal Binar
Good day,
Thank you for your feedback, we have expanded the product description.
Everything went as expected.
Review from customer from Czech republic
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Vše proběhlo dle očekávání.
Jan Veselík
I have nothing to complain about
Review from customer from Czech republic
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Nemám co vytknout
Kubáč Jiří
Review from customer from Czech republic
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Fill in your emergency kit and buy a whistle with a thermometer and a compass. The whistle is a great signaling means. The package also includes a neck cord.