With a dual-layer reversible design that offers two different color options, the 1.5” Double Duty TDU® Belt offers exceptional versatility in a quick and efficient design.
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So far, probably the best belt I have for hidden wear. It is strong enough to hold the holster of the weapon and at the same time not stiff enough to be uncomfortable. So comfortable and stable. Of course, it turns on and off more slowly, but it's not a negative, with this buckle it's just as simple. The advantage is that it is continuously adjustable to any length. And the two-color version doesn't affect the plantar's function, but it's nice
Adjustable, comfortable, stable
Review from customer from Czech republic
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Zatím asi nejlepší pasek, co mám na skryté nošení. Je dostatečně pevný, aby udržel pouzdro se zbraní a zároveň není tolik tuhý, aby byl nepříjemný. Takže pohodlný a stabilní. Jasne, ze se pomaleji zapíná a odepina, ale to není negativum, s touhle sponou to tak proste je. Výhodou je, ze je průběžně nastavitelný na jakoukoli délku. A dvoubarevná verze nemá sice vliv na funkci rostlinare, ale je to pěkný
Very reliable leather belt from the American company Kore Essentials. Its advantage is the possibility of infinitely adjustable circumference. Buckle is not…