Stylish pants with practical pockets in a narrow cut, made of cotton with an admixture of elastane. Whether you are looking for pants for the city with practical pockets or for the woods and you are not a fan of classic "baggy" pocket pants, you will love these pants.
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You will like Adven Slim Fit pants if you like a fitting narrow cut of trousers, so-called Slim Fit. Whether you are looking for pants for the city with practical pockets, or for the woods, and you do not like classic "baggy" pocket pants, you will love these pants.
They are made of 98% cotton with an admixture of 2% elastane. This composition ensures the strength and ideal flexibility of the fabric. Pants are therefore also suitable for active spending time.
Super comfortable pants, I already have two and I'm satisfied, now I bought the third.
The only thing that is a pity is the very weak material on the inner pockets, after half a year of use, the pocket on my hands tore, but I repaired it and did not solve it much, because otherwise I am absolutely satisfied with the pants.
Review from customer from Czech republic
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Na nošení jsou kalhoty top.
Super pohodlné kalhoty, dvoje již mám a jsem spokojen, teď jsem zakoupil třetí.
Jediné co je škoda, je hrozně slabý material na vnitřních kapsách, už po půl roce používání se kapsa na ruce roztrhala, ale já jsem si ji opravil a moc to, neřešil, protože jinak jsem s kalhotama absolutně spokojenej.
Royal Traveler trousers offer quality workmanship, a completely cotton material, a fitting cut and a large number of pockets. The edges of the pants are…