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Military food ration, MRE, combat food ration BDP. There are different names for a similar product - a package with durable foods that are easy to prepare.
This package is produced by the Polish company ARPOL and, among others, it is also supplied to the Polish army. This package includes food for one hearty lunch. The advantage of the Arpol ROP package is the speed with which you can start lunch without a classic cooker and without much effort.
Like the US MRE, this military batch includes a flameless heater. All the work is done for you with a chemical reaction inside the heater.
Contains food for one lunch
Food weight: 300 g
Weight of the complete package: 440 g
Made according to EU standards
Main course
Flameless heater
Water in a bag for a flameless heater (very handy, because you pour exactly as much water into the heater as needed)
The heater is American made and works on the principle of chemical reaction
Main course
Set 1
Set 2
Chicken with rice and vegetables
Set 3
Set 4
Pork shoulder with rice and vegetables
Set 5
Breton style beans
Set 6
Bigos stew with sausage and bacon
Set 7
Spaghetti with pork
Set 8
Hungarian beef goulash
Set 9
Turkey fillet with mustard sauce
Set 10
Sausage in tomato sauce with chickpeas
Set 11
Noodles with cabbage and mushrooms
Set 12
Vegetarian tomato risotto
Set 1 - Lasagna (400 g)
Sterilized canned meat with vegetables
Ingredients: lasagne (durum wheat flour), pork shoulder, water, cheese (milk, colorant: E 160b, calcium chloride E 509, rennet, salt, bacterial cheese culture), ingredients (spices, salt, celery, flavor enhancers: E 621 and E 635, glucose), tomato puree, modified maize starch, dried onions, rapeseed oil
Product may contain soy, mustard and eggs.
set 2 - Chicken with rice and vegetables (400 g)
Sterilized canned meat with vegetables
Ingredients: water, rice, chicken thigh meat, carrot, green peas, sugar, spices, salt, yeast extract, dried vegetables, celery, aroma, partially hardened palm oil, modified corn starch, soy protein hydrolyzate, flavor enhancers: E 621 and E 635, colorants: ammonia caramel and riboflavin, wheat flour, vinegar, glucose, wheat flour, butter
Product may contain mustard and eggs.
set 3 - Bograc (400 g)
Sterilized canned meat with vegetables
Ingredients: water, beef shoulder, potatoes, pasta (durum wheat flour), tomato puree, wheat flour, spices, salt, yeast extract, dried vegetables, celery, aroma, partially hardened palm oil, modified corn starch, soy protein hydrolyzate, flavor enhancers: E 621 and E 635, colorant: riboflavin and ammonia caramel, vinegar, sugar, glucose), modified maize starch, margarine (vegetable oils: palm and rapeseed, water, salt, preservative: potassium sorbate, dye: annatto, aroma), dried red pepper
Product may contain mustard, milk and eggs.
SET 4 - Pork shoulder with vegetables and rice (400 g)
Sterilized canned meat with vegetables
Ingredients: rice, pork shoulder, water, green peas, carrot, salt, sugar, spices, vinegar, yeast extract, colorant: E 150c, soy protein hydrolyzate, aroma, celery, flavor enhancers: E 621 and E 635, glucose)
Product may contain milk including lactose, gluten, mustard and eggs.
SET 5 - Beans with meat in tomato sauce (400 g)
Sterilized canned meat with vegetables
Ingredients: bean, water, sausage (pork, water, salt, spices, flavor enhancer E 621, preservative: sodium nitrite), smoked pork belly (pork 54%, pork fat 26%, water, salt, stabilizer E 451, thickener E 407a, flavor enhancer E 621, soy protein, preservative: sodium nitrite), tomato puree, wheat flour, sugar, spices, salt, flavor enhancers: E 621 and E 635, dried vegetables, celery, potato starch, yeast extract, lactose from milk, rapeseed oil, colorant: riboflavin, aroma, partially hardened palm oil, modified corn starch, soy protein hydrolyzate), dried onions
Product may contain milk, soy, mustard and eggs.
set 6 - Bigos stew with sausage (400 g)
Sterilized canned meat with vegetables
Ingredients: sausage (pork, water, salt, spices, flavor enhancer E 621, preservative: sodium nitrite), sauerkraut, white cabbage, water, dried tomatoes powder, wheat flour, sugar, spices, salt, celery, flavor enhancers: E 621 and E 635, glucose), dried onions, dried mushrooms
Product may contain milk including lactose, soy, mustard and eggs.
set 7 - Spaghetti with pork MEAT (400 g)
Sterilized canned meat with vegetables
Ingredients: macaroni spaghetti (durum wheat flour), pork, water, dried tomato puree, salt, spices, celery, flavor enhancers: E 621 and E 635, glucose, Italian herbs), dried onions
I don't know if I had a defective piece or just Made in Poland, but I had something to do to activate the flameless heater. It was written in the instructions that the food is heated in 12 minutes. I had to do something to warm the food in 50 minutes! Just a chemical heater still not and do not start! When I compare it with the heater in the American MRE, where after pouring water the reaction starts almost immediately and the food is heated properly and in a moment ... Another minus (at least for me personally) is that in the product description there is no plastic cutlery in the list . There is only a napkin written there. However, the package includes a package with a napkin, a plastic spoon, a spoon, a fork and a knife. Some people like that there is cutlery at MRE, but when it is not written in the description and I wear my metal one and after opening it I see that there is a pile of other unnecessary disposable plastic ... I personally was not really pleased. Knowing this, I'll buy a separate meal and maybe an Adveture heater so I don't have to get some plastic cutlery ... But that's purely my (eco) problem :-)
Solid outer packaging Quite good food (spaghetti) and satiate
Chemical heater quite angry (Packed plastic cutlery)
Review from customer from Czech republic
Show original
Nevím, jestli jsem měl zrovna vadnější kus nebo prostě Made in Poland, ale měl jsem co dělat, abych aktivoval bezplamenný ohřívač. V návodu bylo napsané, že jídlo je ohřáté za 12 minut. Já měl co dělat, aby to jakž takž ohřálo jídlo za 50 minut! Prostě chemický ohřívač pořád ne a ne nastartovat! Když to srovnám s ohřívačem v americkém MRE, kde po nalití vody začne reakce takřka okamžitě a jídlo je ohřáté pořádně a za chvilku...
Další mínus (alespoň pro mě osobně), je to, že v popisu produktu není v seznamu napsán plastový příbor. Je tam napsaný jen ubrousek. V balení je ale balíček s ubrouskem, plastovou lžičkou, lžicí, vidličkou a nožem. Někdo má rád, že u MRE je příbor, ale když není v popisu napsaný a já si nosím svůj kovový a po otevření potom vidím, že tam je hromada dalšího zbytečného plastu na jedno použití...to mě osobně fakt nepotěšilo. Vědět to, tak si koupím zvlášť jídlo a třeba Adveture ohřívač, abych nemusel dostat nějaký plastový příbor... Ale to je čistě můj (eko)problém :-)
Pevný vnější obal
Celkem dobré jídlo (špagety) a zasytí
Chemický ohřívač dost zlobil
(Přibalený plastový příbor)
Rated option: Military food package MRE, ROP, Arpol, Set 7
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