If a green circle is displayed on a variant, it means that in some combination of other variants, the selected variant is in stock. For example, a green circle on the "Color: black" variant means that a product in black is in stock at a size. Gradual selection of variants clarifies information on stock availability. You can start by selecting any variant.
Crotch gusset gives ease of movement and higher durability. Integral belt is elastic and fastened by hook&loop to allow adjustment. Belt loops would take up to 50 mm wide belt.
In terms of price and quality, a definite top, despite one minor wrinkle...
Quality material that really lasts (personal experience from many other products of the brand) Ideal long pants for summer Practical cut, many useful pockets Cut identical to Greyman Tactical Jeans - I was looking for a "lighter" alternative for summer
Unfortunately, the fit is identical to the Greyman Tactical Jeans - their fit and elasticity make them the most comfortable jeans I've ever had. Therefore, the assumption that the same cut only made of different material will be just as good and comfortable turned out to be wrong. Almost zero elasticity of the material causes uncomfortable stretching in different areas depending on the movement. A number larger does not solve the problem, if you do not want to walk around in "bags" like a rap star. These are still great pants, but I'll take one star off for the minor discomfort…
Review from customer from Czech republic
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V poměru cena a kvalita jednoznačný top, přes jednu menší vrásku…
Kvalitní materiál co opravdu vydrží (osobní zkušenost z mnoha ostatních produktů značky)
Ideální dlouhé kalhoty na léto
Praktický střih, mnoho užitečných kapes
Střih identický s Greyman Tactical Jeans - hledal jsem “lehčí” alternativu na léto
Bohužel právě střih identický s Greyman Tactical Jeans - jejich střih a elasticita z nich dělá ty nejpohodlnější jeans kalhoty, které jsem kdy měl. Předpoklad tedy, že stejný střih jen z jiného materiálu bude stejně dobrý a komfortní se ukázal jako mylný. Téměř nulová elasticita materiálu způsobuje až nepohodlné napínání v různých oblastech dle pohybu. O číslo větší problém neřeší, pokud nechcete chodit v “pytlovkách” jako rapová hvězda. Stále se jedná o skvělé kalhoty, ale za menší diskomfort uberu jednu hvězdu…
I have already listed the pros and cons in the columns.
It's Helikon, so quality. The color is great and they fit great.
There is a stain in the lower part of the left leg, probably from the paint, and it cannot be cleaned. I don't know if it's from the manufacturer or the store, but in any case, you should put more emphasis on quality control.
Review from customer from Czech republic
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Už jsem uvedl v kolonkách pro a proti.
Je to Helikon, takže kvalita. Barva je super a skvěle padnou.
Ve spodní části levé nohavice je flek, asi od barvy a nejde to vyčistit. Nevím zda je to od výrobce nebo obchodu ale každopádně byste měli dát větší důraz na kontrolu kvality.
Some products have a kind of cult following. For each manufacturer facing a crowd of satisfied clients is not only enormous joy, but also confirmation that the…
Some products have a kind of cult following. For each manufacturer facing a crowd of satisfied clients is not only enormous joy, but also confirmation that the…
Many of our customers operate not only in cities, but in the boondocks as well. Listening to their positive feedback about using UTP®, our designers have…