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Rothco Fur Flyer's Hat Is A Great Cold Weather Hat That Features 100% Polyester Synthetic Fur Fold Down Ear Flaps That Will Attach To Upper Part Of Hat with Buttons.
Fits according to size. It's warm. Compared to other armies, one or two great other than 10 will suffice as elsewhere, but one cannot choose.
I have nothing. I want to find something, but there's nothing
Review from customer from Czech republic
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Ano !!
Sedí dle velikosti. Je teplá. Oproti jiným army postačí jeden dva skvělé druhý než 10 jako jinde, ale člověk si nevybere.
Nemám nic. Chci něco najít, ale není co
Rated option: Fur Flyer's Hat, Black, Rothco, Black, L
Antonín Š.
The difference between a photo in an e-shop and a real product is abysmal. At first glance, cheap materials and workmanship. If I was standing by a stone shop, I would never have thought to buy it.
Cheap materials and processing ...
Review from customer from Czech republic
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Rozdíl mezi fotografií v e-shopu a skutečným výrobkem je propastný. Na první pohled laciné materiály i zpracování. Kdybych u toho stál v kamenném obchodě, tak by mě nikdy nenapadlo si to koupit.
Levné materiály a zpracování ...
Rated option: Fur Flyer's Hat, Black, Rothco, Black, M
Reakce obchodu - Jan Patras
Hello, so you can use the option to return the goods within 14 days, we will be happy to accommodate you. Sincerely, Jan Patras, Armed.cz
see pros and cons
You will probably not find better head coverage for harsh conditions and a penetrating winter.
Nothing comes to my mind.
Review from customer from Czech republic
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viz pro a proti
Pro tvrdé podmínky a pronikavou zimu asi lepší pokrytí hlavy nenajdete.
Nic mě nenapadá.
Rated option: not selected
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Lightweight, yet providing great warmth winter cap. Based on the classic USMC Beanie, made of double knitted layer of merino wool. Thanks to the simple and…