Lansky´s Composite Plastic Knife is made of composite plastic materials and is excellent for opening letters, boxes and various other light-duty applications. It has a minimally effective cutting edge and is perfect as a blunt trainer pseudo-blade to teach general knife safety.
After unpacking, you will find that the knife is in 3D only from one side. On the other hand, it's just a piece of cake :-(. If two knives were glued together (obviously unrealistic), it would have the right shape comparable to similar knives from Cold steel. It has a "poisonous" tip, so I would definitely not recommend it as a training knife. However, for letters and for the price, OK.
Price, weight, brand. Apparently also the resistance, but I don't know yet...
Relatively short and thin handle. 3D from one side only.
Review from customer from Czech republic
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Po rozbalení zjistíte že nůž je ve 3D pouze z jedné strany. Z druhé strany je to jenom placka :-(. Pokud by se slepily (samozřejmě nereálné) dva nože k sobě mělo by to ten správný tvar srovnatelný s podobnými noži od Cold steel. Má “jedovatou” špičku takže jako tréningový bych ho určitě nedoporučil. Nicméně na dopisy a za tu cenu OK.
Cena, hmotnost, značka. Zřejmě i odolnost ale zatím nevím …
Relativně krátká a tenká rukojeť. 3D pouze z jedné strany.
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