Adapter set SureStrike 9 mm for weapons cal .223 Rem, Laser Ammo
Convert the standard 9mm SureStrike™ into a 223 for use in your AR-15 . Simply thread the 223 barrel adapter into the SureStrike™ laser, install the 223 action cap, and you are good to go! No tools needed!
Laser system adapter designed primarily for weapons of the AR15 platform but also other weapons of the .223 Remington caliber (for example, the Czech assault rifle CZ 805 BREN).
The adapter kit consists of a Barrel Adapter, LA Action Cap .223 and a battery.
To use this adapter, it is necessary to have a 9 mm LA Surestrike laser cartridge. The adapter is installed directly on it. It allows you to increase the utility value of your 9 mm Surestrike Cartridge. Thanks to this adapter, you no longer need to buy a .223 laser cartridge.
Thanks to the fact that the adapter is on a classic cartridge, you only need one catridge for training with a pistol and a rifle.
! Laser Ammo 9 mm Surestrike Cartridge not included. This kit only serves as an extension of the utility value of your 9 mm Surestrike Cartridge. !
specifications SureStrike™ 223 Adapter Kit:
The adapters are installed on a 9 mm Surestrike Cartridge
After the first try, complete satisfaction. The rifle is fired at zero at 50 m and some fate control is with the laser at zero at about 25 m.
It fulfills the intended purpose, because I have a suitable shooting range from my hand, so the set will save ammunition, time and fuel ... :-)
The red laser is harder to see during the day, it wants to train either in the evening or to have the target area in a deeper shadow (in my case in the barn) and a reflective target.
Review from customer from Czech republic
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Po prvním vyzkoušení naprostá spokojenost. Puška je nastřelená na nulu v 50 m a nějakým řízením osudu je s laserem na nule na cca 25 m. Výšková odchylka nula, stranová odchylka (v projekci na nitkový kříž) cca 1 mm vpravo, takže pro sušení není potřeba seřizovat puškohled.
Plní zamýšlený účel, protože vhodnou střelnici mám krapet z ruky, takže souprava bude šetřit náboje, čas i PHM ... :-)
Červený laser je přes den přece jen hůř vidět, chce to trénovat buď navečer nebo mít cílovou plochu v hlubším stínu (v mém případě ve stodole) a reflexní terčík.
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